Our Commitment to Our People

At HEINZEL GROUP, we prioritize the wellbeing and growth of our employees, ensuring job security and equal opportunities. We also actively engage with local communities, fostering strong, sustainable partnerships.

Good Employer

We care about the wellbeing of our people.
Over 2,500 employees from diverse backgrounds contribute to the development of our company. We want to offer empowerment with regional stability and job security – from training through to retirement. We want to help our employees to fully unfold their potential and develop their skills by providing healthy, safe and equal working conditions.

Engaged Corporate Citizen

We work together with communities by being reliable, supporting, and sustainable partner.
Partnership-based relations with local communities pave the way to a promising future together. This cycle of cooperation in environmental projects and educational initiatives benefits the company and also improves quality of life in neighboring communities. It also promotes understanding and respect of community needs and interests.

  • Our Planet
  • Our Partners
  • Sustainability Management